2 LED Lighting Ideas for Your Kitchen
2 LED Lighting Ideas for Your Kitchen
People often tend to ignore the lighting and décor of their kitchens thinking of it as just a work space which doesn’t add to the “beauty” of their homes. That is a completely misplaced notion. Many homes have open floor plans where the kitchen is adjacent to the dining room or there is one big room which includes the kitchen as well as the dinning and living room. LED lighting not only improves visibility in darkened under cabinet corners, but also adds radiance to the general décor of this busy and social living space.
Here are some LED lighting ideas that you may like for your kitchen.
1.Recessed ceiling lights in your kitchen: Recessed ceiling lights have traditionally used incandescent bulbs or CFL lamps. But now LED can lights (canister lights/recess lights) with built in trim pieces available in a wide variety of sizes and color renderings to provide a brilliant sparkle to your kitchen making things clearly visible while reducing energy consumption.
2. Under cabinet LED lights: LED lights have now found application in accentuating and illuminating under-cabinets. These don’t scatter light everywhere but focus on the area in which you are working. Also, LED under-cabinet lights don’t generate heat or require frequent bulb changes like halogens do. The very low profile of LED under-cabinet lights make them easy to hide under the cabinet and out of sight
Look at all the options for LED recessed lights and under-cabinet lights online at:
POLAR-RAY.COM or give us a call to discuss your project at 888-494-5773.